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Dr Shanker Vijayadeva

638 reviews

If you can spare a few moments, please leave a review so I can reflect on your experience with the aim to constantly improve. Your reviews will also be discussed as part of my annual appraisal as a doctor. I endeavour to respond to every review if I can. About Me: I was born and grew up in North West London. I graduated from University College London Medical School in 2000 and became a GP in 2004. I currently have three main roles: 1) Clinical role as a GP 2) London GP Lead - Digital Transformation (Primary Care) and 3) Management role as a GP Lead for Ealing Borough - North West London Integrated Care Board (ICB). I have worked in a variety of GP Practices across London, but mainly in Ealing and Harrow. This has included long periods at Cloister Road Surgery, Hillview Surgery and Barnabas Medical Centre in Ealing.


  • General Practice
  • Medical Management
  • Health Informatics