Mrs Selvaraj was very knowledgable and caring. She made sure I understood the procedure and she checked on me often during the operation.
I really felt well looked after.
Mrs Selvaraj and her team took great care of me at St Georges Hospital during and after my procedure. Even though I was the last patient of the day, there was no rush to get me out of the door, my well being was paramount at all times
I will feel happy and confident with any future interactions with her
Thank you for sharing your experience at our Hysteroscopy clinic. Thank you for the feedback.
The care I was give was the best care from very good nurses and doctors
Lovely environment created. Privacy respected. Cared for.
Mrs Selvaraj was very positive and friendly. She answered all my questions and was able to also help with another issue I had which saved me time visiting my GP again. I was confident that she was very knowledgeable.

Mrs Bama Selvaraj was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.
Works at
Specialises in
- Oncology
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Specialist Practitioner: Adult Nursing
Specialist Nurse Practitioner working in Gynaecology Outpatients as Nurse Hysteroscopist
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